As per the Section 85 of the Inland Revenue Act No.24 of 2017, Withholding Tax should be deducted from payment for teaching , lecturing ,examining ,invigilating or supervising an examination made to any resident individual who is not an employee at 5% on amounts exceeding Rs.50,000 per month.
Accordingly, educational institutes which are conducting tuition classes should deduct withholding tax from their teachers at the time of making monthly payments for their lecture fees upon exceeding Rs.50,000 per month. This mechanism is applicable to the lecturers who are working on hourly basis or agreed basis to get a monthly fee. Mostly professional classes are conducted on this method.
Ex: If a teacher is entitled Rs.2,000 per hour and his total number of hours worked for a month is 30, his monthly payment would be Rs.60,000. Accordingly when an institute is making the payment, withholding tax of 5% should be deducted from his fee and should be remitted to the Department of Inland Revenue. The lecturer will receive only 95% , which is Rs.57,000.
Impact on non-compliance will be as follows.