Should every individual need to open an income tax file?

As per the provisions of the Inland Revenue Act No. 24 of 2017, every person who has a taxable income shall file a return of income.

However, a resident individual who only has income from employment that is subject to PAYE will not be required to file a return for that year of assessment (section 94(1)(a)(ii).

Example 1

An individual has following income for year of assessment 2018/19.

Income from a Business               

Rs. 300,000

Interest income from a fixed deposit (which was subjected to WHT)


Employment income (Primary Employment)




Accordingly, the taxable income of such individual shall be computed as follows.


Assessable Income from business                           


Assessable Income from employment


Assessable Income from Investment

(WHT deducted on Interest is a final tax)


Assessable income


Less: Tax Reliefs


 Under item 2(a) of the fifth schedule 


 Under item 2(b) of the fifth schedule (Employment Income) 


Taxable Income     


He has to pay tax on Rs.100,000 and submit a return of income for Y/A 2018/19.

Example 2

An individual has following income for year of assessment 2018/19.

Income from a Business


Interest income from a fixed deposit (which was subjected to WHT)


Employment income (Primary Employment)


Accordingly, the taxable income of such individual shall be computed as follows.


Assessable Income from business


Assessable Income from employment


Assessable Income from Investment

(WHT deducted on Interest is a final tax)


Assessable income


Less: Tax Reliefs


Under item 2(a) of the fifth schedule    


Under item 2(b) of the fifth schedule (Employment Income)


Taxable Income               



He does not have a taxable income and submision of a return of income is not required.

Accordingly, it is clear that, all the individuals are not required to file the income tax return. i.e if particular individual has no taxable income or his taxable income comprised only the employment income which is subjected to PAYE , such individual is not required to file the income tax return.